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Rural and Northern Health (PhD)

Entamez de la recherche sur la santé rurale et du Nord.

Éducation (B.Ed.)

Préparez-vous à enseigner à la prochaine génération d’élèves.

Interdisciplinary Health (MA or M.Sc.)

Gain knowledge from various health fields.

Nurse Practitioner (M.Sc.N./G.Dip)

Offer comfort and care in the health care system.

Master's in Human Kinetics (MHK)

Keep-up with a health-conscious public.

Rural and Northern Health (PhD)

Research rural and northern health.

Master of Health Administration (MHA)

Develop knowledge and expertise in the field of Health Administration, exclusively in an online format.

Health Promotion

Become a leader in health and wellness.

Education (Concurrent B.Ed.)

Prepare to teach the next generation of students.

Nursing (MScN)

Enhance knowledge, transform practice.

Interdisciplinary Science

Solving small and large-scale problems using many sciences.


Study various aspects of old age and aging.

Law and Justice

Discover the place where law and justice meet.

Sports Administration

The business of sport.

Kinesiology (Physical & Health Education)

Understand how sport and physical activity influence our everyday practices.

Kinesiology (Science)

Study the science of human body movement.


Discover your passion for healing.

Psychology (MA)

Learn the science of the mind and behaviours.

Sport Psychology

Delve into the mind of and well-being of athletes.

Biomedical Biology

Examine the collective science of biology and medicine.

Outdoor Adventure Leadership

Lead, guide, and instruct in remote or rugged environments.


Study the origins, development and organization of society.

Membres du corps professioral

Il n'y a aucun résultat trouvé.


Vale, le Syndicat des métallos et le CRSST lancent une étude sans précédent sur l'exploitation minière et la santé mentale

July 23, 2015 - Today, in partnership with the Center for Research on Health and Safety (ROSHC) from Laurentian University, Vale and the United Steelworkers announced the launch of an unprecedented study about mental health in the mining industry.  The aim of this three-year study, entitled Mining Mental Health , is to gather vital information to develop key strategies to promote the best...

Nouvelle école d'innovation universitaire dans le Nord de l'Ontario

14 juin 2016 – Le Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l’Ontario (CSPGNO) et l’Université Laurentienne annoncent aujourd’hui la création d’une école d’innovation universitaire située à l’École publique Jeanne-Sauvé, dans la Ville du Grand Sudbury.   Dès septembre 2016, cette école...

Le programme de communication scientifique de la Laurentienne est honoré par l'Institut royal canadien des sciences

(2018-11-09) Le programme de communication scientifique de l'Université Laurentienne, en partenariat avec Science Nord, est le récipiendaire du prix William Edmond Logan 2018 de l'Institut royal canadien des sciences, qui reconnaît l'excellence dans la promotion des sciences par un organisme canadien. L'annonce a été faite ce matin à Ottawa dans le cadre de la 10e Conférence annuelle sur les...

Plus de 55 ans après sa mise en service, le Planétarium Doran de la Laurentienne continue d’éduquer et de divertir les amateurs d’astronomie.

(8 février, 2023) - Contempler des étoiles nous permet d’observer de nombreuses merveilles du ciel nocturne. Cette observation est un passe-temps agréable à maintes possibilités éducatives. C’est une expérience des plus enrichissantes, à entendre parler les astrologues amateurs, alors qu’ils apprennent à reconnaître des constellations comme la Grande Ourse (Ursa Major) ou Cassiopée. Et...

La Laurentienne inaugure le laboratoire de recherche sur la santé et la sécurité au travail

April 27, 2015  - Representatives of trade unions and industrial sectors today joined researchers at Laurentian University to inaugurate the new laboratory of the research center on health and safety at work (ROSHC).   This laboratory will support numerous research projects run ROSHC the team in order to reduce or eliminate workplace injuries and occupational diseases.  ...

Laurentian Hosts Science and Humanities Forum on Extinction

November 6, 2013 – Conservation biology, increasing threats to habitat, and the growing list of species at risk are all on the agenda—alongside ethical and philosophical aspects of extinction—at a unique international symposium to be held at Laurentian University this month.      “Thinking Extinction,”  November 14-16, will address and discuss a range of approaches to...

Architecture Laurentienne: La Phase Deux de la construction se met en branle

14 février, 2014 - Votant à l’unanimité, le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne a donné aujourd’hui le feu vert à l’attribution de la deuxième phase du contrat de construction de l’École d’architecture de la Laurentienne, un contrat de 23 900 000 $. Les travaux de fondation de nouveaux locaux de 55 000 pieds carrés devraient commencer en mars 2014 avec la préparation du...

M. David Lesbarrères reçoit un prix de chercheur virtuel de garde

27 mai 2015 – Le doyen intérimaire de la Faculté des études supérieures et professeur agrégé au Département de biologie de l’Université Laurentienne, M. David Lesbarrères, est le lauréat du Prix de participation à titre d’expert dans le programme Chercheur virtuel de garde (VROC).  ...

Les panneaux lamellés-croisés d'architecture Laurentienne créent un « profil impressionnant »

4 juin 2015 – Un édifice à deux étages en panneaux lamellés-croisés (PLC) et bois lamellé-collé prend forme à l’École d’architecture de l’Université Laurentienne au centre-ville de Sudbury (Ontario). Cette structure fait partie de la deuxième phase de construction de la nouvelle...

Six éminents Canadiens recevront un titre honorifique

26 mai 2016 – Six éminents Canadiens des domaines du droit, des mines, du génie, du journalisme, de l’éducation et de l’action sociale recevront un doctorat honorifique de l’Université Laurentienne pendant les cérémonies de collation des grades du printemps 2016 à Sudbury et à Barrie.   Parmi les...

Nomination de lanouvelle vice-rectrice à l’administration de L’Université Laurentienne

21 decembre 2017​ - L’Université Laurentienne est heureuse d’annoncer la nomination de Mme Lorella Hayes, CPA, CA, au poste de vice-rectrice à l’administration. Elle entrera en fonction le 15 janvier 2018 et sera responsable d’un dossier considérable qui comprend un personnel de 133 membres à plein temps et un budget de 182 000 000 $. À la suite d’une vaste campagne de recrutement,...

Conseiller spécial aux affaires francophones, Roch Gallien

(26 novembre 2021) Nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir Roch Gallien à titre de conseiller spécial aux affaires francophones. Monsieur Gallien relèvera directement de la Provost et vice-rectrice aux études pour soutenir les activités du bureau des affaires francophones. Roch Gallien a consacré les cinq dernières années à l’encadrement de la formation des enseignantes et enseignants...

Le Conseil des gouverneurs élit un nouveau président

(18 janvier 2022 – Sudbury, Ontario) Conformément à ses statuts, le Conseil des gouverneurs de l’Université Laurentienne a élu un président par intérim qui en assurera la direction jusqu’à juin 2022. Le Conseil sera donc présidé par M. Jeff Bangs jusqu’à ce qu’un ou une titulaire soit nommé pour un mandat complet qui commencera à la fin de juin. L’Université Laurentienne franchit ainsi une...

Prise de conscience à l’endroit des femmes autochtones disparues et tuées

(3 février, 2022) - Depuis le lancement en 2010 du Projet de la robe rouge (The REDress Project), série artistique en cours de l’artiste métisse Mme Jaime Black, le public est sensibilisé davantage au nombre stupéfiant de femmes autochtones qui ont disparu ou été tuées partout au Canada. Depuis 2016, l’Université Laurentienne participe à la Campagne de la robe rouge découlant de ce projet....

Le Programme de communication scientifique collabore avec Science Nord, Horizon Santé-Nord et Eastlink afin de présenter « Northern MedTalks 2022 »

(14 avril, 2022) - Le 21 avril 2022, à 19 h, le Programme de communication scientifique de la Laurentienne, Science Nord et Horizon Santé-Nord collaboreront avec Eastlink pour présenter Northern MedTalks 2022, série de conférences à rythme soutenu mettant en valeur dix prestataires de soins de santé dans le nord de l’Ontario. Chaque exposé de 10 minutes est coréalisé par le ou la...

Le Centre pour la vitalité des lacs Vale est honoré par l'OAO

The Centre for the vitality of Vale lakes Laurentian University (CVLV) has won two prestigious awards from the Ontario Association of Architects (OAA), the Design Excellence Award 2015 Excellence Award 2015 sustainable design.   The first prize, which is based on the creativity criteria, context, sustainability and heritage, has been awarded this year to ten buildings designed by the...

Dominic Giroux Named CEO of Health Sciences North and HSN Research Institute

The Health Sciences North (HSN) and HSN Research Institute (HSNRI) Board of Directors announced today that Dominic Giroux, the President and Vice-Chancellor of Laurentian University, will be the new President and Chief Executive Officer of HSN and HSNRI effective October 2, 2017. Located in Greater Sudbury, HSN ranks among Ontario’s largest academic health sciences centres and among Canada’s...

Laurentian honours four distinguished Canadians for improving lives and communities

Laurentian University will award honorary doctorates to four distinguished Canadians during its 2017 Spring Convocation ceremonies in Sudbury. This year’s recipients have dedicated themselves to helping people and improving their communities through the fields of healthcare, education, architecture, and law. “The honorary doctorate recipients this spring have contributed to the betterment of...

Laurentian University research centre partners with Greater Sudbury Public Library for a DIY assessment on air quality

(November 2, 2022) - The Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) at Laurentian University and Greater Sudbury Public Library (GSPL) have partnered to help Sudburians understand the importance of air quality and ventilation in their homes and workspaces during an airborne pandemic like COVID-19.  CROSH has provided GSPL with portable, easy-to-use CO2 monitors...

PhD in Rural and Northern Health Celebrates Graduate Milestone

November 28, 2023 — When faculty members at Laurentian University were dreaming up what the PhD in Rural and Northern Health program could do for students and the community, they likely had thoughts of influencing health care in both Northern Ontario and rural settings in Canada and abroad. Those dreams from the mid 2000s have since become a reality as the program recently marked a milestone...

Faculty achievements recognized and celebrated at campus event

July 5, 2023 - On June 15, 2023, Laurentian University faculty members were invited by Dr. Brenda Brouwer, Interim Provost and Vice-President Academic and Dr. Tammy Eger, Vice President Research, to an event that recognized and celebrated their many achievements or those of their colleagues.  “Faculty at Laurentian University are instrumental in fostering an inclusive and positive...

Laurentian's Dr. Young receives Health System Research Fund

Laurentian University’s Nancy Young, PhD, Research Chair in Rural and Northern Children's Health, is the recipient of a $2 million Health System Research Fund (HSRF) grant for Health Promotion from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. This grant is in support of her project Evaluation to Action: Integrating the Voices of Aboriginal Children (ETA), which examines a tailored evaluation...

Vale, the United Steelworkers and CROSH kick-off groundbreaking new study on mining and mental health

July 23, 2015 – Today Vale and the United Steelworkers, in partnership with the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) at Laurentian University, announced a groundbreaking new research project on the topic of mental health in the mining industry.  The aim of the 3-year study, called ‘Mining Mental Health’, is to gain vital information in order to...

Six distinguished Canadians to receive Honorary Doctorates

MAY 26, 2016 – Six distinguished Canadians from the fields of law, mining, engineering, journalism, education and social activism will be awarded Honorary Doctorates by Laurentian University at Spring 2016 Convocation ceremonies in Sudbury and Barrie.   Among the recipients of Honorary Doctorates this Convocation season are the Chief Justice of Canada, the Right Honourable...

Laurentian Residences Adapt to COVID-19

(August 6, 2020) For over 50 years, Laurentian Residences has provided safe housing accommodations for students. We recognize many students will prefer to be on campus this fall and Laurentian University has implemented plans to provide the best possible accommodations. In the interest of limiting risk, we have taken the following measures: Reduced Occupancy All residents will be housed in...

Laurentian University Receives
 Health System Research Fund Program Award

May 22, 2013 - Sudbury MPP Rick Bartolucci announced today that Laurentian University has received a Health System Research Fund Program award (HSRF). The research program will focus on transforming health policy, systems and practice to improve health equity for vulnerable and special health needs populations in northern Ontario. Laurentian University will receive $3.4M over three years....

Ministry of Health provides $800,884 to Laurentian University to develop an Accelerated Critical Care Nursing educational program in partnership with Health Sciences North.

(May 26, 2022) - Laurentian University, in partnership with Health Sciences North (HSN), has obtained one-time funding of up to $800,884 from the Ministry of Health to support the delivery of the Accelerated Critical Care Nursing Program. Funding of up to $59,418 in the 2021-2022 year and up to $741, 466 in the 2022-2023 year, is expected. The University’s nursing and sciences infirmières...

LU Board of Governors Elect New Chair

(January 18, 2022 - Sudbury, ON) The Laurentian University Board of Governors has elected a “pro tempore” chair to lead the board until June 2022 in keeping with its bylaws. The board will be chaired by Mr. Jeff Bangs on an interim basis until a new board chair is selected for a full term, which would begin at the end of June.  This announcement marks another step in Laurentian...

Naandwechige-Gamig Wikwemikong Health Centre, LU partnership bolstered by $1.5 million federal funding

(Sudbury/Wiikwemkoong, January 8, 2020) We are thrilled to announce that the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) has awarded a substantial grant to a program aimed at improving Indigenous Mental Wellness. ‘I aM Well,’ a joint initiative of both Naandwechige-Gamig Wikwemikong Health Centre and Laurentian University’s ECHO Research Centre, will receive $1.5 million dollars over the next...

LU and Wiikwemkoong Help Launch First-Ever Culturally Relevant Indigenous Wellness Measure Made With Children For Children

(Dec. 8, 2020) Laurentian University is pleased to congratulate the team behind Aaniish Naa Gegii: the Children's Health and Well-being Measure (ACHWM). This initiative is a direct result of the dynamic partnership between Naandwechige-Gamig Wikwemikong Health Centre and the Evaluating Children's Health Outcome (ECHO) Research Centre at Laurentian University. Alongside the re-launch of the...

Construction to begin on Laurentian Architecture's Phase Two

February 14, 2014 - Laurentian University’s Board of Governors today unanimously approved the awarding of a $23.9M contract for the construction of Phase Two of the Laurentian School of Architecture.  Work on the 55,000 square feet of new construction is expected to begin in March, 2014, with preparation of the foundation at the Elm and Elgin site.     “Phase Two of our...

Laurentian University researchers to participate in $8.6M national SSHRC Partnership Grant

(September 2, 2022) - To impact the everyday lives of Canadians across the country, we require a diversity of ideas and researchers. This unique Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) project of unprecedented scale in the design disciplines in Canada will see 14 universities, 70 researchers and over 68 public and private organizations at the municipal, provincial and national...

United Steelworkers Donate $50,000 for Laurentian Research Chair in Occupational Health and Safety

February 7, 2013 - The United Steelworkers (USW) today announced a donation of $50,000 toward the establishment of a Research Chair in Occupational Health and Safety at Laurentian University.    The new Research Chair in the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) will lead research relevant to a broad range of workplaces.  The Research Chair will...

Laurentian’s Science Communication program honoured by the Royal Canadian Institute for Science

(2018-11-09) Laurentian University’s Science Communication Program, offered in partnership with Science North, is the 2018 recipient of the Royal Canadian Institute for Science’s William Edmond Logan Award, recognizing excellence in promoting the public understanding of science by a Canadian organization. The announcement was made this morning in Ottawa during the 10th annual Canadian Science...

Laurentian appoints new Research Chair in Occupational Health and Safety

November 20, 2014 – Laurentian University today announced the appointment of Dr. Tammy Eger as Research Chair in Occupation Health and Safety effective January 1, 2015.  Dr. Eger is an Associate Professor at Laurentian University in the School of Human Kinetics and is currently Director of the Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH).    As Research...

Inaugural Leo Gerard Legacy Fund Lecture Series to begin in 2024

(January 5, 2024) - The Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) at Laurentian University proudly announces the first lecture to kick off the bi-annual Leo Gerard Legacy Fund Lecture Series. Dr. Katie Goggins (PhD, CCPE) will present the inaugural Lecture during CROSHCon2024: Occupational Illness Awareness, on January 19, 2024, as the keynote speaker of the conference....

LU presents phased plan to welcome back students, staff, and faculty

Laurentian University has been a leader among universities in responding to the COVID-19 outbreak. The first university in Canada to recognize the severity of the outbreak and suspend in-person activities, Laurentian was also the first to transition fully from in-person to remote learning. The university is now planning a phased ‘return to campus’ approach, providing flexibility to adapt and...

CNFS distributes $20,000 in awards to Laurentian University students

January 23, 2014 - Every year, the Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) at Laurentian University awards $20,000 to $30,000 in scholarships to students enrolled in French-language health and wellness programs at Laurentian University. For 2013-2014, eligible students are enrolled in Nursing, Midwifery, Speech Pathology, Social Work, Public Health and Kinesiology. In addition to...

Province provides grant funding of $1.2M to Laurentian University researchers

(July 31, 2023) - As part of Ontario’s Virtual Learning Strategy initiative, the government of Ontario has announced their support for the work of Laurentian University researchers by awarding grants totalling $1,246,775, to three novel projects. These projects advance virtual learning opportunities for future students and create new ways of delivering post secondary education. ...

Vale Invests in Laurentian University’s Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health

December 7, 2012 - Vale representatives presented Dr. Tammy Eger, associate professor at the School of Human Kinetics and current CROSH director, with a cheque for $125,000 at the 3rd Annual Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) Community Symposium. The funds will be used to aid in the establishment of a permanent Research Chair in Occupational Health and Safety, a key...

LU Recruits Top-Flight Academic

August 8, 2012 - Laurentian University appointed Dr. Wayne Warry to the position of Director of the Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research (CRaNHR) at Laurentian University starting September 1st, 2012. The Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research is an academic and applied research centre with sites at Laurentian University in Sudbury and at Lakehead University in Thunder...

LU investigators share in $400K research award CRaNHR work part of national study on rural and remote nursing care

March 28, 2012 - Two investigators from the Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research (CRaNHR) at Laurentian University will help to advance a national project aimed at improving the quality of nursing service provided in remote and rural regions of Canada. Health Canada this month announced a new grant of $400,000  to support the first 13 months of the three-year project, The...

Dr. Jennifer Walker awarded $500K for research on dementia in Indigenous peoples

Laurentian University’s Dr. Jennifer Walker, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Health, was awarded $500,000 from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) for her project titled, Validation of the Canadian Indigenous Cognitive Assessment Tool in three provinces.  This will be the first Canadian study to develop a valid, reliable and culturally-adapted Indigenous Cognitive...

CROSH researchers at Laurentian University receive three grants from the government of Ontario

January 16, 2017 - Laurentian University’s Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) will receive more than $300,000 in new research funding from the Ontario government. Ontario’s Minister of Energy and Sudbury MPP Glenn Thibeault made the announcement at the CROSH lab today in the presence of Laurentian University’s Interim President and Vice-Chancellor Pierre Zundel....

Laurentian to offer most courses on-campus this fall

May 11, 2021 -- With the 2021 Spring Semester now underway, Laurentian University is looking ahead to Fall 2021 with plans to have face-to-face activities and in-person course delivery back on campus.  The focus for the Fall Semester is providing the best student experience while safeguarding the health, safety and wellness of our community. “Throughout the pandemic, we have placed...

Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation Invests in Laurentian Research Chair in Occupational Health and Safety

December 19, 2012 - The Honourable Rick Bartolucci, Minister of Northern Development and Mines and Chair of the Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (NOHFC), today announced funding for the establishment of a Research Chair in Occupational Health and Safety at Laurentian University.  The new Research Chair in the existing Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH)...

CROSH 'driving prevention through research'

Minister of Labour Kevin Flynn, Laurentian University President and Vice Chancellor Dominic Giroux and Laurentian University’s Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) unveiled Canada’s first mobile laboratory for occupational safety and health research (Mobile-CROSH) today. “With our investment of $500,200, Mobile-CROSH will allow researchers and university students to...

Laurentian researchers highlight the value of Indigenous patient engagement in research

(2018-11-08)  Two Laurentian University researchers have contributed articles on Indigenous patient engagement in research for the new Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU) Supplement in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ). The projects of Dr. Jennifer Walker, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Health, and Dr. Nancy Young, Research Chair in Rural and Northern Children's Health,...

Major advancements in Indigenous research announced at Laurentian

Indigenous research at Laurentian University received a major boost today as MP Marc Serré announced federal government funding to support a new Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Health. In addition, Laurentian announced its new Maamwizing Indigenous Research Institute, and a new Advancing Indigenous Research Fund to accelerate Indigenous specific research. “Laurentian University has...

Laurentian launches Peer Wellness Program

(April 8, 2022) - Mental health matters. It affects how we feel, think, and behave. It also impacts how we make decisions, how we handle stress, and how we manage relationships. Students at Laurentian are making a positive impact toward the well-being of fellow students. While many resources and services are dedicated to support mental health and wellness, such as Counselling, Health...

Student-led team remains dedicated to providing volunteer emergency response services on Laurentian’s campus

(December 1, 2022) - When a medical emergency occurs on campus, the Laurentian University Campus Emergency Response Team (LUCERT) is ready to step into action. Whether it be a student, a member of the public, or a Laurentian staff or faculty member requiring emergency response services, LUCERT is available to assist.  LUCERT is a volunteer-based, student-run team that consists of...

CROSH moves forward in safety and health with $1.2M in new funding

APRIL 29,  2016 – The Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) at Laurentian University today celebrates the launch of two ground-breaking new initiatives, thanks to research awards that total more than $1.2M in new funding.   CROSH has been awarded $550,000 toward purchasing and equipping a Mobile Laboratory, a 32-ft custom-built trailer that will...

Laurentian launches online Master of Health Administration (MHA)

(February 23, 2023) - In a partnership between the graduate Nursing and Master of Business Administration programs, Laurentian University has officially launched the Master of Health Administration (MHA). This unique, comprehensive, and accessible graduate program is now accepting applications for students to begin their studies in September 2023.  “The program has been designed to meet...

Laurentian University and Cambrian College Celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science

SUDBURY, ON (FEB 11, 2020) – Laurentian University welcomed 85 Grade Six girls and boys from Greater Sudbury-area schools yesterday in recognition of the United Nations’ International Day of Women and Girls in Science. The students experienced a packed day of demonstrations and presentations which highlighted amazing women in science and trades.  The activities also emphasized the...

Province Re-invests in Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health

(April 18, 2023) - The Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) at Laurentian University is pleased to announce that the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD) has invested $2.5 million, over the next 5 years, to support the core activities of the Centre. “Our mission is simple – to keep workers out of danger,” said Monte McNaughton,...

Sudbury Cancer Test Predicts Breast Cancer Survivability

Sudbury(January 7, 2014) – A test developed in Sudbury is proving successful in predicting which breast cancer patients will best respond to chemotherapy and live cancer-free for a longer period of time following treatment.   Results conducted into the RNA Disruption Assay™ (RDA™) test were presented last month at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium in San Antonio,...

Laurentian’s Joint Health and Safety Committee Earns Honour Roll Recognition in Occupational Safety

February 6, 2013 - A Certificate of Accomplishment was presented to Laurentian University and its Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) by the Advisory Council at Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW). Laurentian University is this year’s honour roll recipient as a result of the JHSC’s accomplishments and the working partnership with OHCOW. Local advisory...

Laurentian creates new faculties in health, education and graduate studies

March 19, 2014 - The Laurentian University Senate approved a new Faculty structure, re-organizing and aligning many of the University’s schools and departments.   The existing Faculty of Professional Schools will be replaced by a Faculty of Health and a Faculty of Education. The existing Faculty of Science and Engineering will be renamed the Faculty of Science, Engineering and...

New initiative to improve the active offer of health services in French

Last week, the Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) at Laurentian University held a workshop on the active offer of health services in French. The workshop brought together more than 20 Francophone health sector professionals, faculty members from Laurentian University and key community stakeholders, and allowed participants to broaden their awareness of the need to...

Laurentian opens new occupational health and safety research lab

APRIL 27, 2015 – Representatives of labour and industry joined researchers at Laurentian University today for the official opening of the new  laboratory and research facility at the University’s Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH).    The laboratory will support numerous research projects led by the CROSH team, with the aim of...

Growing our own: Summer school plants the seeds for Indigenous Health Research

Today graduate students from across Ontario will be attending a learning opportunity like no other. From June 11-15, 2018, Laurentian University will host the inaugural summer school of Ontario’s Indigenous Mentorship Network (IMN), Ontario’s first Indigenous-led health research training network. This summer school is being offered to 25 graduate students who are working on community-based...

Laurentian’s Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health co-hosts national ergonomics conference

(2018-10-16) The Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) at Laurentian University recently partnered with the Association of Canadian Ergonomists (ACE) to bring the 49th annual ACE Conference to Sudbury from October 15-18, 2018. A first for Northern Ontario, the joint conference explores the many ways both ergonomics and health and safety comprehension are expanding,...

NOSM University and Laurentian University Celebrate New Research Agreement

(March 15, 2023) - Vital Northern health research will continue—and perhaps expand—thanks to a new deal reached by NOSM University and Laurentian University.  A new research agreement has been negotiated by the universities following the establishment of NOSM University as Canada’s first independent medical university in 2021.  “Our institutions have always worked closely on...

New school of academic innovation in Northern Ontario

June 14, 2016 – Conseil scolaire public du Grand Nord de l’Ontario (CSPGNO) and Laurentian University today announced the creation of a school of academic innovation which will be housed at École publique Jeanne-Sauvé in the city of Greater Sudbury.   Beginning September 2016, this school of academic innovation will be a focal point where Laurentian University...

McEwen School of Architecture congratulates upper-year students for winning Public Opinion Prize

The McEwen School of Architecture congratulates upper-year students Ra’anaa Brown, Krystel Clark, Denis Lemieux and Taylor McGee for winning the Public Opinion Prize for their team entry “Nutri-Nunavik : The Potential of Northern Farming” at the CCA 21st Annual Interuniversity Charrette design competition. Presented by the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Charrette “(i)nvites...

Laurentian University Board of Governors Appoints Tammy Manitowabi

(December 15, 2022) - Laurentian University’s Board of Governors has added another experienced community leader to its ranks as Tammy Manitowabi has been appointed to serve for a three year term, beginning this month.  “We are fortunate to have another community leader step up to help Laurentian University on its path forward. Tammy’s experiences in community building and public...

Harquail School of Earth Sciences’s Minecraft-inspired rock ID game helps school children discover geology

(February 6, 2023) - The Harquail School of Earth Sciences (HES) at Laurentian University hopes to nurture interest in the geosciences among local youth by offering their “Special Edition Minecraft-inspired Rock identification game” at all 13 branches of the Greater Sudbury Public Library (GSPL). The game consists of 12 mineral and rock samples and bilingual clue cards to help players identify...

Laurentian Appoints New Executive Director for Human Resources and Organizational Development

June 5, 2013 - Laurentian University is pleased to announce the appointment of Terez Klotz as the University’s new Executive Director, Human Resources and Organizational Development. Ms. Klotz was named to the position after a nationwide executive search, and will commence her role in August. Klotz brings 30 years of experience in human resources and organizational development in...

The Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health Celebrates 10 years

November 23, 2018 – Under the theme “Prevention through research,” an evening celebration marks the 10th anniversary of Laurentian University’s Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH). CROSH was established in 2008 to provide a formalized structure for industry, safe workplace associations, labour groups, government organizations and researchers to share workplace injury...

Dr. Céline Larivière appointed Dean of the Faculty of Health

April 30, 2019 - Dr. Céline Larivière (PhD, RKin) has been named as the Founding Dean of the Faculty of Health. Dr. Larivière has served in this role as interim Dean since July 2017. “I am truly honoured to have the opportunity to lead the Faculty of Health in the coming years.  Having had the benefit of working with so many exceptional faculty members, staff, and of course,...

United Steelworkers commits $225,000 to occupational health and safety research at Laurentian University

JUNE 28, 2019 – Laurentian University interim President and Vice Chancellor, Dr. Pierre Zundel and United Steelworkers President (USW), Leo Gerard announced that the United Steelworkers are committing a total of $225,000 in research funding over the next three years to Laurentian University’s Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH). “It is important that USW...

Profile: Masters in Human Kinetics and CROSH researcher fully embraces graduate student experience

(March 27, 2023) - Willa Hladun is a graduate student who inspires.  Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, her family now lives in Cranbrook, British Columbia. It was in this province and at the University of Victoria that she earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (2020). In her fourth year, she started to take an interest in Sports Psychology. “I loved it. I loved the content....

Terms for the sale of Laurentian University’s real estate assets are established

(June 8, 2023) - Laurentian University has established an agreement on a Term Sheet for the sale of real estate worth up to $53.5M. The Term Sheet will help Laurentian University implement its Plan of Arrangement as part of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA) process. This Term Sheet outlines a proposed structure for the transaction which allows the province of Ontario to...

Laurentian University honours Dr. Dickinson and Dr. Watson with Teaching Excellence Award

APRIL 21, 2016 – Dr. Joël Dickinson, Associate Professor in the Psychology Department and Dr. Shelley Lynn Watson, Associate Professor in the Psychology Department were honoured by Laurentian University with the 2015-2016 Teaching Excellence Award.   The annual award recognizes exceptional teaching performance by full-time faculty members and nominations must be supported...

Laurentian's Dr. Kauppi recognized for research on homelessness

Laurentian University researcher Dr. Carol Kauppi was in Ottawa today to receive an award for her accomplishments in working with university and community partners to understand homelessness in northern Ontario. Dr. Kauppi received a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) 2017 Impact Award for her research into sources of social and economic inequality and strategies for...

Laurentian University at Sixty

Laurentian University started as a modest federation of universities, but it was not long before our hallowed halls, laboratories, theatres, and sports fields resonated with all manner of breakthroughs, discovery, and victories. At the crossroads of culture, art, science, and politics, we grew to become northern Ontario’s foremost university. This fall marks Laurentian’s 60th anniversary,...

Graduate Research Symposium Winners Announced at Laurentian University

(April 12, 2023) - Laurentian’s Graduate Student Association, with the support of the Graduate Studies office, hosted a week-long ‘Discovery and Dissemination Graduate Research Symposium’ from March 27th to 31st, 2023. The event drew attention to diverse research projects of students enrolled in Masters and PhD programs. Presentations demonstrated the depth and breadth of research taking place...

FedNor invests $286K to support the completion of the Workplace Simulator project at CROSH

Laurentian University’s Centre for Research in Occupational Safety and Health (CROSH) will receive $286,172 in new funding from the federal government’s FedNor program. Members of Parliament Paul Lefebvre and Marc Serré made the announcement at the CROSH lab today in the presence of Laurentian University’s Interim President and Vice Chancellor Pierre...

Ontario awards $1.25 Million in funding to three LU projects

June 7, 2021 -- The government of Ontario is aiding the work of researchers from Laurentian University by awarding grants to three novel projects. The grants, totalling $1,246,7775, are awarded through the auspices of eCampusOntario, the province's multilateral online learning portal. This work will lead to a positive outcome for students and researchers alike. The projects coming to...

Laurentian Architecture Launches ‘Visions in Canadian Design’

August 22, 2013 – Media and all members of the Sudbury community are invited to take part in the Laurentian University School of Architecture’s inaugural lecture series, “Visions in Canadian Design.” The series is being launched in conjunction with the official opening of Canada’s newest school of architecture on September 4th, 2013. The series opens on the evening of Wednesday,...

Laurentian Hosts Science and Humanities Forum on Extinction

November 6, 2013 – Conservation biology, increasing threats to habitat, and the growing list of species at risk are all on the agenda—alongside ethical and philosophical aspects of extinction—at a unique international symposium to be held at Laurentian University this month.      “Thinking Extinction,”  November 14-16, will address and discuss a range of approaches to...

TVO anchor Steve Paikin addresses Laurentian graduates

June 8, 2012 - Journalist, author and documentary producer Steve Paikin was awarded an Honourary Doctorate of Letters today at Laurentian University.   Paikin is the anchor and senior editor of TVO’s flagship current affairs program “The Agenda With Steve Paikin.”  He has spent 20 years producing and hosting programs for Ontario’s educational...

Craig Fowler named Associate Vice-President in Barrie

June 20, 2012 - Laurentian University President and Vice-Chancellor Dominic Giroux today announced the appointment of Craig Fowler as the first Associate Vice-President, Administration and External Relations for Laurentian in Barrie.    Fowler will champion high quality services and supports for students, faculty and staff at Laurentian in Barrie.  He will be responsible for the...

Laurentian hosts second annual Leadership Summit

October, 9, 2014 – The City of Greater Sudbury and Laurentian University, with the sponsorship of Canadian Government Executive magazine, have announced the schedule for the second annual Leadership Summit to be held October 16th and 17th in Sudbury.   The goals of this summit are to build an innovative and collaborative leadership network, to present the latest research on...

Dr. David Lesbarrères honoured as virtual researcher on call

MAY 27, 2015 – Laurentian University’s Acting Dean in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, and Associate Professor in the Department of Biology, Dr. David Lesbarrères has been honoured with this year’s Partners in Research Virtual Researcher on Call (VROC) Expert Participation Award.   The award was presented at a ceremony celebrating the Partners in Research...

Laurentian Architecture CLT project creates 'impressive profile'

JUNE 4th, 2015 – A two-storey structure built with cross-laminated timber (CLT) and glulam wood products is taking shape at the Laurentian University School of Architecture under construction in downtown Sudbury, Ontario.   The CLT structure is part of the 54,000 sq ft Phase Two facility of the new School, and represents the most significant use of CLT in a public building...

Laurentian names new Vice-President, Administration

December 21, 2017 - Laurentian University is pleased to announce the nomination of Lorella Hayes, CPA, CA, to the position of Vice-President, Administration.  Mrs. Hayes will commence her role on January 15, 2018 leading a significant portfolio that includes 133 full-time employees and responsibility for a $182 million budget.   After an extensive search, Ms. Hayes has...

Laurentian to honour two distinguished Canadians at 2018 Spring Convocation

Laurentian University will award honorary doctorates to two outstanding individuals during its 2018 Spring Convocation ceremonies in Sudbury. “Each year, we pay tribute to exceptional Canadians who have led the way in their respective fields,” said Laurentian University Chancellor Steve Paikin.  “Our honorary doctorate recipients are highly talented and engaged individuals who serve as...

LU appoints three new members to its Board of Governors

(October 29, 2020) A dynamic trio of community members have been added to Laurentian University’s Board of Governors. The three new board members represent a variety of experiences, cultural backgrounds, further holding significant leadership roles  in our communities.  “Our Board members play a critical role in guiding the University and these three new members have key qualities...

McEwen School of Architecture announces winners of Sudbury2050

(December 10, 2020) The designs varied widely in their approach and their design solutions. All of them represented creative and often provocative thinking about our City of Greater Sudbury and its future. Each presented a different story about our community. Rarely does a community get the opportunity to be the focus of an international design competition.  The competition jury...

Special Advisor of Francophone Affairs, Roch Gallien

(November 26, 2021) We are pleased to welcome Roch Gallien to the position of Special Advisor of Francophone Affairs. He will report directly to the provost and vice-president, Academic to support operations of the Office of Francophone Affairs. Mr. Gallien has dedicated the last five years to overseeing training for Francophone and Anglophone teachers in all of Ontario’s faculties of...

Board of Governors appoints three new members, thanks departing governors

(April 7, 2022) - Laurentian University is pleased to welcome three newly-appointed members to its Board of Governors and thank six departing members for their contributions to the University. Judy Gougeon, Vernon Cameron and David Harquail join the Board of Governors, bringing expertise and skills necessary to advance the University’s transformation plan. Departing members include Maxim...

Design Studio takes McEwen School of Architecture graduate students to Delhi, India and the Old Walled City of Shahjahanabad in old Delhi

(December 20, 2022) - “It was when the plane hit the tarmac in Delhi that I truly realized how incredible this experience would be for the students,” said McEwen School of Architecture Professor Shannon Bassett.  On December 17th 2022, first year Master of Architecture students from Professor Shannon Bassett’s Graduate Architecture Studio class presented their architecture and...

Laurentian University Selects Transformation Consultant

(May 1, 2023 - Sudbury, Ontario, Canada) - Laurentian University is on the path to growing its reputation and gaining recognition for its important contributions within Canada’s post-secondary education ecosystem, building on the strength of its tricultural identity and bilingual mandate. As a step towards achieving this goal, Laurentian University has selected Deloitte to support the...

Laurentian University selects StrategyCorp as Strategic Plan Consultant

(May 4, 2023) - The upcoming strategic planning process at Laurentian University will benefit from an experienced Canadian partner as the University has selected StrategyCorp to assist in the process. This critical planning process will set a foundation for the University’s future and is the result of a public request for proposals which took place in January and February of 2023. The...

Vale Living With Lakes Centre honoured with OAA awards

Laurentian University’s Vale Living With Lakes Centre (VLWLC) has been honoured with two prestigious awards from the Ontario Association of Architects.   The Centre is the winner of an OAA Design Excellence Award for 2015, as well as the OAA’s Sustainable Design Excellence Award for 2015.   The OAA’s Design Excellence Awards are based on considerations of...

Laurentian University launches Canada's first Master's degree in Science Communication

Canada’s first and only comprehensive Master’s program in Science Communication was celebrated today at Laurentian University. The first cohort of students enrolled in this 12-month intense program began courses in early September. The Master’s program in Science Communication delivers a multi-disciplinary experience that covers the theory underlying good communication, as well as the...

Grand finale for largest modernization project in university's history

Laurentian University celebrated the conclusion of its $63M campus modernization project with the official opening of a new Welcome Centre. Located at the centre of campus, the new point of welcome and orientation gives students and visitors a clear point of arrival, and an opportunity to access campus information and services. Transformations to the Sudbury campus include; a new Indigenous...

Laurentian University Board of Governors welcomes new member

December 15, 2017 - Laurentian University Interim President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Pierre Zundel and Laurentian’s Board of Governors are pleased to welcome Suzanne Corbeil as the newest member of the Board. Ms. Corbeil’s nomination was approved by the Board of Governors on Friday, December 15, 2017. “On behalf of the entire community, I want to express how happy I...

LU Gears Up for a Fall Semester Unlike Any Other

(July 29, 2020) Laurentian University is preparing for a return to campus unlike any other in its history. With unprecedented emphasis on keeping everyone in our community safe, we are pleased to announce today that Laurentian is gradually moving to the next phase in our Return to Campus Plan. A series of resources, policies and measures are ready to ensure that all students, staff, and faculty...


Portrait de diplômé : Ivan Samoylenko

Les portraits de diplômés mettent en vedette des membres exceptionnels de la population étudiante qui ont eu des parcours hors de l’ordinaire à l’Université Laurentienne. Nous célébrons ces personnes ainsi que leurs réalisations. Pour Ivan Samoylenko, l’expérience étudiante à l’Université Laurentienne a tourné autour de l’inclusivité et de la diversité. « Je suis très fier des nombreux...


L'Université Laurentienne offre une variété de diplômes de premier, deuxième et troisième cycles. Les programmes universitaires sont spécialisés dans de nombreux domaines, notamment les arts, les sciences sociales, la technologie, les sciences naturelles, l'ingénierie, l'exploitation minière, la géophysique, la santé, la gestion d'entreprise, la finance et la criminalistique. La Laurentienne...

Gary J. Michalak

Même si beaucoup de personnes prennent le temps de réfléchir à leur carrière, d’autres, comme M. Gary Michalak, savent depuis l’enfance ce qu’elles feront dans leur vie professionnelle. Quand il était un jeune athlète, Gary a décidé qu’il mettrait à profit les qualités de leadership acquises en jouant de nombreux sports afin d’aider les autres à réaliser leurs objectifs. Cet apprenant à vie a...

Institut de marketing du sport

[tabs border="no"] [tab title="IMS"] Programmes de recherche Dans le passé, l’IMS a accompli toute une série de projets de partenariat avec Gatorade, effectué une étude intitulée « Sponsorship Landscape Study » pour le CSF et contribué à l’Encyclopedia of Sports Marketing and Management, à une étude de l’expérience étudiante dans les établissements postsecondaires, à une étude...

Politique de liberté de parole (liberté d’expression)

Politique de liberté de parole (liberté d’expression) Instance administrative: Recteur et vice-chancelier Responsable de l’approbation: Conseil des gouverneurs Date d’approbation: 14 décembre 2018 Prochaine révision: juin 2019 Historique des révisions:    Objet Les objectifs et les buts de l’Université Laurentienne sont l’avancement du savoir et la...

Cent jours et au-delà

Mes 100 premiers jours Le 8 octobre a marqué mon 100e jour à la Laurentienne. J’ai passé la journée au Forum national des universités du Canada sur la construction et la réconciliation, accueilli par l’Université Algoma, dans une salle empreinte d’une énergie et d’un enthousiasme sans pareils et où il y avait réellement chez les participants le sentiment que les universités du Canada peuvent...

Bonne et heureuse année, bonne reprise des cours

Le début de tout trimestre s’annonce toujours passionnant, mais plus encore cette année, car nous l’entamons sachant que nous commençons aussi une nouvelle décennie. Dans cette perspective, il est à espérer que vous rentrez des vacances, reposés et recentrés, avec un regain d’optimisme, puisque nous avons beaucoup de travail à faire en 2020 et un avenir qui se dirige vers 2030 avec beaucoup de...

Deux étudiants de sciences médico-légales, Hamza et Irbaaz Syed, produisent plus d’une centaine de capuchons de protection personnelle pour l’hôpital d’Alliston

Quand MM. Hamza et Irbaaz Syed ne fabriquent pas d’articles de protection pour les travailleurs de la santé de leur localité, à Alliston, ils prêtent un appui aux personnes âgées qui en ont besoin. Ces jeunes bénévoles, qui étudient tous les deux les sciences médico-légales à la Laurentienne, ont toujours voulu donner un peu d’eux même à leur communauté. « La criminalistique est une...

L’Édifice Ben Avery et la Piscine Jeno Tihanyi

December 14, 2020   Bonjour, aanii, hello,   Au cours des 10 derniers mois, la Laurentienne a eu de nombreuses occasions de communiquer avec notre collectivité au sujet de l’Édifice Ben Avery et de la Piscine Jeno Tihanyi. Ces installations contribuent à l’esprit communautaire, à la forme physique et à la sportivité de notre collectivité, et nous en reconnaissons...

Quatre chercheurs émergents obtiennent des subventions développement Savoir

Le 30 janvier 2019, le gouvernement du Canada a annoncé un important investissement dans la prochaine génération de chercheurs en sciences, ce qui inclue quatre subventions développement Savoir, du Conseil de recherche en sciences humaines (CRSH), obtenues en 2018 par quatre chercheurs émergents de l’Université Laurentienne. Les récipiendaires sont Émilie Pinard, Ph.D., Celeste Pedri-Spade,...

Entente pluriannuelle et ICR

Le Ministère de la Formation et des Collèges et Universités de l'Ontario (MFCU) et l'Université Laurentienne ont signé une entente pluriannuelle (EP) qui décrit les engagements des deux partenaires visant à améliorer : L'accessibilité aux études postsecondaires ; La qualité de l'expérience académique ; La reddition de comptes envers le grand public.  ...

Conférence sur la biologie du café par Thomas Merritt pour l’Association de café du Canada

  Le 7 octobre 2020, lors de la Conférence sur le café qu’a tenue en virtuel la Coffee Association of Canada (CAC), Thomas Merritt (Ph.D.) de l’Université Laurentienne, a abordé les divers effets biologiques du café, la boisson la plus appréciée du monde. Après son introduction par le responsable du café chez Tim Horton’s, John Middlemass, le professeur Merritt a donné la conférence...

Les conférenciers invités

Celeste Pedri-Spade, Ph.D. Biographie : Universitaire ojibwée de la Première Nation du lac des Mille-Lacs dans le nord-ouest de l’Ontario, Mme Celeste Pedri-Spade est la toute première vice-rectrice associée aux initiatives autochtones à l’Université McGill, où elle est professeure titulaire dans le Département d’anthropologie. Avant cela, elle a été professeure...

Symposium de tout le personnel

Aanii, Boozhoo, Kwe Kwe, Wachay!   La semaine dernière, le Service des ressources humaines et du développement organisationnel a envoyé un message demandant de réserver la date de notre troisième impressionnant Symposium de tout le personnel, organisé par nos collègues de la Laurentienne, qui mettra l’accent sur le bien-être et un lieu de travail sain.   Le Résultat 3 du...


Voici quelques publications recentes des professeurs du département de science économique :   Hassan Bougrine   Hassan Bougrine, 2017, The Creation of Wealth and Poverty: Means and Ways, New York and London: Routledge   Hassan Bougrine, 2017, ‘Rethinking the Economic Role of the State’ in Rochon, L. P. and S. Rossi (eds), A Modern Guide to Rethinking...

Darrell Frank | BPHE, B.Ed.

Darrell Frank, skieur de fond passionné et diplômé de l’Université Laurentienne, était un athlète accompli bien avant son entrée à l’université. Il a remporté plusieurs championnats provinciaux pendant ses études secondaires. Quand il était un jeune athlète, Darrell a décidé de poursuivre un diplôme lié à l'éducation physique pour approfondir sa passion pour le sport. Pendant ce temps,...

Susan Manitowabi (Ph.D.) : un héritage de responsabilité partagée

Dire que Susan Manitowabi accomplit de nombreuses choses est un euphémisme. En effet, depuis son arrivée à l’Université Laurentienne, à l’été 2003, elle agit en leader à l’instar des acteurs de longue date du milieu de l’éducation autochtone : directrice du programme de Services sociaux pour les autochtones (anciennement), co-créatrice du programme de maîtrise en relations autochtones (MRA),...

Program Requirements


The Reilly Family

  Laurentian University runs in the family! This month, we were appreciative of Nina Reilly, Laurentian alumna (B.A.Sc. Metallurgical Engineering ‘85), for making the time to share her family’s story with us all the way from her home in Calgary, Alberta.  The Reilly family’s time at Laurentian University dates back to even before the university bore that name. Irvine Reilly,...

Career Prospects

What comes next after graduating with diploma in French Studies or French as a Second Language? What are career and future prospects?     In addition to expanding critical thinking and analysis skills, programs in French allow students to acquire and develop superior abilities, such as: •   writing and communication skills •  ...

Gary J. Michalak

Many people take time to figure out what they would like to do with their careers; others, like Gary Michalak, know exactly what they are meant to do from an early age. As a young athlete, Gary realized he wanted to use the leadership skills he developed playing multiple sports to help those around him achieve their goals. A lifelong learner, Gary has continued to fuel his passion by helping to...

Rebecca Foreshew

Travelling the world may not be on our current agenda, but Rebecca Foreshew has certainly been on her fair share of global adventures over the years. As a BScN ’14 and MScN ’19 alumna of Laurentian University and a natural empath, Rebecca has taken her skills on the road with her to many countries and communities to help individuals in need of health care services or support. Rebecca’s...


Laurentian offers a variety of undergraduate, graduate-level, and doctorate degrees. The university programs specialize in many fields, including arts, social sciences, technology, natural sciences, engineering, mining, geophysics, health, business management, finance, and forensics. Laurentian has developed an international reputation for research excellence and is one of the Province’s...

Legalization of Cannabis

On October 17, 2018, cannabis will be legal across Canada for those who are 19 years of age and older. While the law is changing, Laurentian values remain the same. We continue to commit to a healthy environment for all members of the community, including students, faculty and staff, and other people on campus. For now, Laurentian will follow the Board of Governors approved Policy on Smoking...

BScN Program for Registered Nurses via Distance Education

*Admissions to the English Post RN program have been suspended   Distance Education In January 1987, the BScN program for registered nurses became available on a part-time basis through Distance Education at five sites. As the demand increased, the number of sites expanded from Barrie, Orillia, North Bay, Timmins and Sault Ste. Marie to include students in Oshawa, Owen Sound, St....

Four Emerging Researchers Awarded Insight Development Grants

On January 30, 2019, the Government of Canada announced a major boost for the next generation of social sciences and humanities researchers, which includes four Insight Development grants, from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), awarded in 2018 to four of Laurentian University's emerging researchers. The recipients are Dr. Émilie Pinard, Dr. Celeste...

Expenses Directive

Laurentian University is committed to maintaining high performance standards based on fair, ethical, legal, environmental and professional business practices. As such, Laurentian University abides by all government directives. On April 1, 2011, the Management Board of Cabinet issued the Ontario Broader Public Sector (BPS) Expense Directive. This Directive requires designated BPS...

Black History Month

Sudbury Five Game Friday, February 2, 2024 7:00 p.m.  Sudbury Arena, Downtown Sudbury $25.00 per person Tickets available at www.thefive.ca Join the Laurentian University African and Caribbean Students Association (LUACSA) at the Sudbury Arena for a Sudbury Five basketball game against the Newfoundland Rogues. This game serves as more than...

David Paquette

Technology may change but one thing remains the same: the dynamics between individuals in the workplace and their importance in helping organizations move forward. David Paquette is a Laurentian University alumnus who works as a management consultant, executive coach and leadership trainer. He has dedicated the past 26 years of his career to helping organizations and leaders implement change...

Keynote Speakers

Dr. Celeste Pedri-Spade Bio: Celeste Pedri-Spade is an Ojibwe scholar from the Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation in northwestern Ontario. She is currently the inaugural Associate Provost of Indigenous Initiatives at McGill University where she is a tenured professor in the department of anthropology. Prior to McGill, she was an Associate Professor of Indigenous...

Robyn Rowe: Indigenous Scholar and PhD Candidate

Robyn Rowe is a member of Matachewan First Nation with familial roots on Bear Island, Temagami First Nation. She is a mother of four and a third-year Ph.D. student in the Interdisciplinary Rural and Northern Health program. She completed an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a minor in Sociology in 2015, and obtained a Masters of Indigenous Relations in 2017, both at Laurentian...

Summer Accommodations

Our facilities are clean, well maintained, comfortable and secure. Approximately 1000 modern and traditional-style guest rooms are available on campus, and 220 of these rooms are air-conditioned. Each residence is fully furnished with one or two single beds. The apartment style residences are equipped with a kitchen and private washroom. The dormitory style residence has a shared...

Update on the Ben Avery Complex

Hello, Aanii, Bonjour,   Over the last 10 months, Laurentian has had many opportunities to connect with our community on the Ben Avery Complex and the Jeno Tihanyi Pool. These spaces contribute to our community’s sense of spirit, fitness, and sportsmanship, and we recognize how important these facilities are to our students, our athletes and swimmers in particular, and to the broader...

Model Parliament

Model Parliament   The Laurentian University Annual Model Parliament trip is a four-day three-night trip usually during the second week in January in which students travel to Ottawa to take part in a unique simulation of Canadian government. Laurentian University is only one of two universities in the country that has the privilege to sit in the House of Commons. It is a fantastic...

Federal Research Support Fund 2020-2021

Every year, the Government of Canada invests in research excellence in the areas of health sciences, engineering, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities through its three granting agencies (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC). Eligible institutions receive an annual grant to help pay for a portion of the central and departmental administrative costs related to federally funded research. This...

About Us

Our Mandate The mandate Office of Academic and Indigenous Programs is to promote the development of initiatives that support Indigenous education and First Nations, Metis and Inuit student success. This is accomplished through leading the developing of Indigenous strategic initiatives with the Laurentian University Native Education Council and the general university community. More recent...

Nursing student strives to help fight COVID-19 on the frontlines

When Tyler Pretty isn’t on the front lines screening Glencore employees, you will likely find him volunteering with Greater Sudbury Community COVID-19 Response & Relief, where he is  delivering groceries to people unable to leave their homes to buy essential items.  “We have just recently served our 100th family!” Pretty proudly states, on the cusp of entering his fourth...

Advice from Laurentian University’s Academic Excellence Awards Winners

This spring, Laurentian students graduated at a convocation ceremony unlike any other in the 60 years the university has been in operation. Another year has come and gone. Though graduation marks the end of a chapter, it is not the end goal; it is just another step on a path leading to many more accomplishments on the journey we call life. We would like to share advice from some of our top...

Statement on the Suspension of the 2021 Winter Athletic Season

October 21, 2020 With the suspension of the Winter 2021 athletic season by the Ontario University Athletics (OUA), coupled with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the immediate future of competitive sport, Laurentian University has made difficult decisions with regards to the operation of our athletic programs, in particular as it relates to reducing the hours of coaching staff and...

Graduate Spotlight: Eugenia Eshkawkogan

The Graduate Spotlight features exceptional students who have had unique journeys through Laurentian University. We celebrate these students and their accomplishments! For Eugenia Eshkawkogan, it hasn’t yet sunk in that she will soon be graduating from Laurentian University with a degree in Indigenous Social Work.  Originally from Wiikwemkoong Unceded Territory, she never...

Faculty of Education and Health

Welcome to the Faculty of Education and Health! Message from the Dean Through exceptional academic programs, our graduates are poised to meet the challenges of changing educational and health landscapes – across cultural, local, regional, national and international communities.  For potential students looking through the site, please contact us if you have questions about any of...

Joint Health and Safety Committee

Laurentian University is committed to ensuring a safe working environment for all of its faculty staff and students.  In order to encourage University wide participation in maintaining a well-functioning Internal Responsibility System, Laurentian University supports, in accordance with the Occupational Health & Safety Act, a Joint Health & Safety Committee on campus.


Many departments and faculties make informative resources available to the public in the forms of newsletters and other various publications. This section aims to gather French reference tools that can be useful to the entire University and associative community of Greater Sudbury. 

Laurentian University Signs Dimensions EDI Charter

We're proud to be signatories of the Dimensions EDI Charter! Nous sommes fiers d'être signataires de la charte des dimensions EDI!#Imagine2023 pic.twitter.com/sQ2VdP9geW — Laurentian University (@LaurentianU) May 13, 2019   Dimensions: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Canada About the program Dimensions invites you to take part in a post-secondary transformation to...

Policy on the Freedom of Speech (Freedom of Expression)

Policy on the Freedom of Speech (Freedom of Expression) Office of Administration: Office of the President and Vice-Chancellor Approval Authority: Board of Governors Approval Date: December 14, 2018 Next Review: June 2019 Review History:    Purpose Laurentian University’s objects and purposes are the advancement of learning, the...

Luciano Galasso | B. Com

Luciano Galasso, CA CPA, ICD.D is a northern-inspired individual and an alumnus of Laurentian University (B. Com 1979). Originally from Sudbury, Luciano fondly remembers Laurentian University for its beautiful northern Ontario campus, intimate class sizes, group work with classmates, and its dedicated and engaged faculty. He is grateful for these unique educational experiences that...

Forensic Science student Hamza and Irbaaz Syed produce over 100 PPE Hoods for hospital in Alliston

When Hamza and Irbaaz Syed aren’t making gear to help protect healthcare workers at their local hospitals in Alliston Ontario, you will likely find them extending their helping hands to seniors in need. The young volunteers, both Forensic Science students at Laurentian, have always had a burning desire to give back to the community.  “Forensic Science is an applied science, in this...

Honouring Treaties Recognition Week in Ontario

Aanii, Hello, Bonjour, At Laurentian University, when we begin a gathering or public meeting, we open with an acknowledgement of the land. Many of you have likely heard me make this acknowledgement before, and this week is an opportune time to better understand why this is so important to us. November 2nd to 6th is Treaties Recognition Week in Ontario, an occasion to learn and reflect on...

Centre for Humanities Research and Collaboration

Vision The Centre for Humanities Research and Collaboration (CHRC) fosters research innovation through interdisciplinary collaboration. Mission The CHRC creates forums for interdisciplinary research and dialogue through conferences, panels, research talks, and public lectures on topics in the Humanities at Laurentian University.   Values Creative, constructive,...

SMA Report-Back

The Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU) and Laurentian University have signed a Multi-Year Accountability Agreement (MYAA) describing both partners' commitment to improve: Accessibility to postsecondary studies; Quality of the educational experience; Accountability to the public.   Multi-Year Accountability Agreement Reports...

Purchasing Policy

Laurentian University is committed to maintaining high standards for performance based on fair, ethical, legal, environmental, and professional business practices. The University, its employees and agents shall procure goods and services in an open, fair and transparent manner and in a competitive environment, so that all transactions yield the optimal benefit to the University in the...

Motion to Condemn

WHEREAS the Auditor General of Ontario released her Special Report on Laurentian University on 17 November 2022; and WHEREAS this report includes many shocking and scandalous revelations about our senior administration’s reckless and ultimately disastrous mismanagement of Laurentian University between 2010 and 2021; and WHEREAS this report concludes that, while our senior administrators...


The planning process at public institutions involves many key stakeholders, both internal and external, that contribute immensely both the development and execution of the resulting plans. Laurentian is no different in this case. The overarching university Strategic Plan was the product of months of consultation and inclusive discussions. This strategic plan was fueled by an existing...

Research Data Management

Laurentian University is committed to fostering an environment of research and innovation excellence, which promotes and facilitates Research Data Management (RDM). Through the development of infrastructure, policies, guidelines, services, technologies, tools, and training; we aim to support our researchers in producing high quality research, backed by data meeting discipline and funder...

School of Education

The English-language concurrent Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) program admits approximately 115 students yearly. It provides an innovative alternative to the consecutive teacher education programs that typically involve an additional two years after the completion of an undergraduate degree. Students in our five-year concurrent education program complete a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of...

All-Employee Symposium

Aanii, Boozhoo, Kwe Kwe, Wachay!   Last week, the Human Resources and Organizational Development Department sent out a “Save the Date” for our third installment of the All-Employee Symposium. This impressive symposium organized by our colleagues here at Laurentian will focus on wellness and a healthy workplace.   In our 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, Outcome 3 indicates: We...

Prevention and Response to Sexual Violence

Laurentian University strives to maintain a safe and inclusive environment for all students, faculty and staff, and will not tolerate violence, discrimination, or harassment. The University takes sexual harassment/violence very seriously. That means as a member of the Laurentian University community, you have the right to be free from sexual harassment/violence on Laurentian’s campus and...

One Hundred Days and Beyond

My First 100 Days October 8th marked my 100th day at Laurentian. I spent the day at a Universities Canada National Building and Reconciliation Forum hosted by Algoma University. There was a remarkable energy and enthusiasm in the room and a real sense that universities in Canada can provide leadership in building reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.  100 days may seem...

David Munch

The state of senior care in our communities has been largely different lately due to the impending restrictions and threats of the COVID-19 pandemic. An unprecedented health threat like this is certainly a large stressor for many people, especially for seniors who have been identified as high-risk. David Munch (B.Com. ’95) and his team at Finlandia Village in Sudbury have certainly needed to...

Anik Dennie, Recipient of the Research Innovation Award

Anik Dennie, a recent graduate of the Masters of Human Kinetics program, received the Research Innovation Award during Research Week 2019 for her work with Dr. Joël Dickinson on the LGBTQ2-S Safe Space Training. Safe Space Training is an initiative that came out of the 2012 Sexuality and Gender Diversity Climate Survey conducted by Laurentian’s Sexuality and Gender Diversity Committee which...

Research Support Fund

Every year, the Government of Canada invests in research excellence in the areas of health sciences, engineering, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities through its three granting agencies: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. The Research Support Fund (RSF) reinforces this...

Respectful Workplace and Learning Environment

The Policy on A Respectful Workplace and Learning Environment is intended to: Promote a workplace and learning environment that is free of discrimination, harassment and/or bullying; Protect the health, safety and security of the University community; Outline the rights, responsibilities and types of behaviour that fall within the scope of this policy; Outline...

Federal Budget 2018

Laurentian University was thrilled to see that the latest federal budget contains the biggest investment in science and university research in Canadian history. As Interim President at Laurentian I can tell you firsthand that recent investments we have seen have helped our university and our city take a giant leap forward. Last summer we announced that through the federal government’s...

Ensemble. Together. Maamwi. Budget 2018-2019

It’s the end of June. The snow has finally stopped and we are all ready to enjoy what is shaping up to be a spectacular northern Ontario summer. I hope you all will be able to relax and spend time with family and friends in the coming months. This afternoon the Board of Governors approved our budget for the coming year. You can read the news release here. Developing this budget hasn’t...


Department Overview Facility Services is a service-oriented department responsible for developing, operating and maintaining the University facilities and grounds. Other services provided are: waste and recycling, custodial services, renovations , moves and planning services. We are also responsible for design, construction, technical services, and renewal of campus...

Cooperative Freshwater Ecology Unit

The Cooperative Freshwater Ecology Unit (Co-op Unit), housed within the Vale Living With Lakes Centre, was established in 1989 and is a unique and successful partnership between Laurentian University, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) with collaborators from the mining industry (Vale and Xstrata Nickel), Canadian Forest...

Perdue Central Analytical Facility

When asked about Laurentian’s new Perdue Central Analytical Facility Heather Cornthwaite is all smiles. “It’s going to be unbelievable,” says the technologist and Laurentian graduate student, who is completing her PhD in biomolecular sciences.  “A facility like this will allow us to perform a multitude of different types of research,” she adds.  The facility allows graduate...

Laurentian's reaction to changes to tuition framework

January 17, 2019 – The Ontario Government announced this morning that universities’ and colleges’ tuition fees will decrease by 10% for 2019-2010, and be frozen for the following year. While this will reduce Laurentian University’s revenues, we support decisions that increase access to post-secondary education for students.  Laurentian has the highest proportion of first-generation...

Melanie Morin

Can you have your cake and eat it too? Laurentian alumna Melanie Morin believes you can have it all, when it comes to your career that is. She is proud of how far she has come in her career, which stemmed from one key relationship and blossomed with one innovative idea, to become much more. Melanie graduated from Laurentian University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and English...

2019-2020 Laurentian University Budget

Aanii, Boozhoo, Kwe Kwe, Wachay! The Laurentian University Board of Governors has approved a balanced $161M budget for 2019-20.  This represents a growth of 0.2% over last year’s budget and eliminates the $4.4M deficit we had to run in 2018-19 while investing in priorities outlined in our 2018-23 strategic plan. We face a challenging fiscal context, amplified by a series of...

Kim Fahner

  An author, an educator, a Sudbury poet laureate, and an active community volunteer, Kim Fahner’s passion for the arts shines through in all of her work. Kim began her studies at Laurentian University with a double major in English and History, and later added in a minor in Native Studies (now Indigenous Studies). Kim wanted to stay at home in Sudbury for her undergraduate program, and...

Darrell Frank | BPHE, B.Ed.

Darrell Frank, an avid cross-country skier and Laurentian alumnus, was an accomplished athlete long before his university studies began. He had participated in and won many provincial championships as a high school athlete. Darrell knew that he wanted to pursue a degree related to physical education to further pursue his passion for the sport. At the time, Laurentian University was looking to...

Statement from President Robert Haché on the passing of Tina Sartoretto, Laurentian Alumna and Member of the Board of Governors

Hello, Aanii, Bonjour, It is with great sadness that our community learned of the passing of Tina Sartoretto, who was not only a committed member of Laurentian’s Board of Governors since 2015, but a vibrant alumna of our University, graduating in the class of 1974.  Tina was a leader whose passion for northern Ontario was boundless. As an alumna, she had a vision for Laurentian,...

Dr. Thomas Merritt’s Talk for the Coffee Association of Canada on the Biology of the Bean

On October 7, 2020, the Coffee Association of Canada (CAC) held its Virtual Coffee Conference, and Laurentian University’s very own Dr. Thomas Merritt was invited to speak on the varying biological effects of coffee – the world’s favourite beverage.  Dr. Merritt is a professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. At the conference, Dr. Merritt was introduced by John...

Social Work

Social work is a diverse, challenging, fulfilling, and meaningful profession. Social workers practice within a variety of contexts and locales including child welfare, mental health, addictions, schools, hospitals, culturally-specific services, and private practice, in social justice, community development, and social planning, as researchers, educators, and policy makers, and many...

“Healing Hands” – Renée’s Journey

I am from Kebaowek First Nation in Kipawa, Quebec, a small hamlet where the sole stoplight continuously blinks red. My father is French Canadian, and my mother is Algonquin. From the time I was a baby, my father told me that being Indigenous was the coolest thing, that my connections would make me strong for life and help me choose the path I would ultimately follow.  But finding that...

Dr. Susan Manitowabi: A legacy of shared responsibility

To say Dr. Susan Manitowabi gets a lot done is an understatement. Since she came to Laurentian University in the summer of 2003, she has been a long-standing leader in the Indigenous education community at Laurentian. Susan chaired the (former) Native Human Services Program, was involved in the creation of the Master of Indigenous Relations (MIR) program, co-founded the Maamwizing Indigenous...

For Sample Submissions

Samples can be analyzed by submitting them to the PCAF for full-service analysis. Turnaround time is variable. Please contact us (pcaf@laurentian.ca) to discuss your options. All sample submissions must be accompanied by a PCAF Form 103 Chain-of-Custody.  Below is a list of services we offer. We are also interested in working with you to develop methods!   Current Services...

Cardiac Care on the Web

Cardiac Care on the Web is for Registered Nurses interested in Cardiac Care. This is an opportunity for Registered Nurses and third year nursing students to achieve specialty training, and prepare for accreditation opportunities. This experience facilitates independent learning. Cardiac Care on the Web is a series of online courses made up of 12 stand-alone one-credit...

Message of Support - University of Waterloo

Dear community members, Recently, a hate motivated violent incident took place during a class on the University of Waterloo campus. Our thoughts are with those affected by these actions. This senseless act of targeted hate has no place in our community. At Laurentian University, we stand united with the University of Waterloo against gender-based violence and all other forms of hatred,...

History of the Sports Administration Program

The School of Sports Administration offers a limited enrollment, four-year interdisciplinary professional program that combines extensive exposure to the functional areas of business management with the practical and theoretical exposure to the sports industry. The Honours Bachelor of Commerce Sports Administration program (HBCom SPAD) will prepare individuals for positions of responsibility...